
downloadable guides and resource lists

powerful placenta guide

your free, comprehensive (it’s 30 pages!) powerful placenta guide below to better understand this miraculous organ, own your placenta birth, and create ritual around releasing the placenta for yourself and your baby.

the scooop on prenatal vitamins

herbs for postpartum wellbeing

Download two free resources including recipes and monographs on herbs for postpartum wellbeing.

vegetarian supplement suggestions

Here’s a list of supplements/whole foods that we mentioned in our podcast episode, Nourishment through a Vegetarian Pregnancy.

a mama’s guide to connecting with nature

Connecting with nature doesn’t have to be just one more thing on your to do list, I can be something that is easily integrated into any lifestyle in as large or a small of the dosage as works for you.

home birth of olin wren

Watch the birth video of my son, Olin.