We know that birth is powerful.

Its power can be life changing. World changing.

You just need the knowledge and support to step powerfully into this initiation.

5 essentials

to prepare for your powerful birth

a 60 min workshop


We want you to…

  • experience powerful, spiritually connected, grounded pregnancy and birth

  • make your own decisions, factoring in research and your own intuition

  • learn to prioritize taking care of yourself on every level

  • and trust yourself so you can enter motherhood and birth feeling powerful and centered.

We have seen that many women are hungry for something more.

Something that acknowledges the evidence of science and research AND draws upon the wisdom of the spiritual journey.

For the women who want to truly understand how to optimally nourish their pregnancy AND want the tools to open the doors to the deeper layers of the experience.

There is plenty of ‘natural’ birth education out there.

Here's how we're different:

Instead of giving you THE secret trick to an amazing journey into motherhood, we will help create the container for you to find YOUR OWN keys to unlock the magic of pregnancy and birth that’s perfect for you.

This program is all the information I was hoping to receive from my midwives and more. With all of the fear imprinted from the status quo, I was relieved to learn of other options. The information from this program was not only extremely informative but also utterly empowering as I step into my first birth and motherhood journey. It reminded me of the wild power of a woman, the extreme importance of self care, and gave me permissions to follow my deepest knowing. So grateful for these teachings!


This course is the straight shot to personal empowerment through knowledge and understanding of the self and the process of birth. I feel confident and trusting in myself and the process after receiving all the important information of the course, and learning my options and role in the process.”


We know that your body knows how to birth.

We trust that you know your body and your baby better than anyone.

We believe in your power and autonomy in this process of becoming a mother.


    100% online and self paced, meaning you can learn whenever and whenever you’d like.


    15+ hours of videos and tons of other resources covering healthy pregnancy, physiologic birth, and supported postpartum


    going beyond standard birth education to include the spiritual aspects of the childbearing journey - while offering a solid foundation in the physiology


    monthly live calls and a private community of other women in WWSB

this is for you if:

  • You know deep down that you have the innate power and inner wisdom to grow and birth your baby.

  • You want to strengthen your connection to your intuition and your body’s messages.

  • You are looking for holistic birthing wisdom that includes both the science and the sacred.

  • You want to feel confident, informed and sovereign in your decision making in pregnancy and birth.

  • You know that becoming a mother is not just a physical journey, and want support, tools and witnessing in moving through the energetic, emotional, and spiritual aspects as well.

  • You are ready to take responsibility for yourself, your care, and your choices as you step into motherhood.

take a peak…

5 in depth modules, each with core video content, podcast episodes, PDF downloads and guided meditations.


  • Develop the collective container for the class

  • Understand our intentions in this work

  • Explore foundational philosophies and values of wise woman care, personal responsibility, and holding both the sacred and the everyday.

  • Why we think this work is life (and world) changing!

module 2 - PREGNANCY

  • Redefine what prenatal care REALLY is

  • Dive deep into prenatal nutrition, movement, and emotional health

  • Consider the body, mind, and spirit transformation that is pregnancy

  • Talk about what miscarriage might look like, and resources to support you on your path


  • Lay out the hormonal blueprint of undisturbed birth

  • Reflect on the ways we have been removed from this mammalian design, and how we can return to what our bodies have always known

  • Watch birth videos!

  • Explore blocks we may have put in our own way, and how to clear them

module 4 - FLOW OF BIRTH

  • Visualize the way birth WORKS! The beautiful dance of baby and mama’s bodies.

  • Telling the story of a labor unfolding, what you might expect through the twists and turns

  • New perspectives on pain in labor, and tools for riding the waves

  • Traditional understandings of the power of the placenta and the golden hour after birth

module 5 - POSTPARTUM

  • Overview of the cross cultural principles of postpartum care for motherbaby healing and bonding

  • Understanding what is ACTUALLY happening during this time, on all levels.

  • Inspiration and guidance to begin to cultivate your own community and support network


  • 20+ downloadable pdfs

  • monthly live connection calls

  • self reflective "homework" assignments

  • private wise woman circle

  • supplementary podcast episodes

  • video guides + demos

30 day guarantee

We truly believe in the value of this course for women who are ready to dive deep. We have seen first hand how impactful this work can be, and can’t wait to share it with you!

That is why we are fully confident that you will find value too! If you purchase this course and don't find any value, then you are guaranteed a 100% refund. Just let us know within the first 30 days of purchase and we will refund your money (minus the transaction costs).


  • The opportunity for exploring the topics we present is boundless and you can go as deep as you would like. We encourage you to take your time to integrate the material and lessons, however it is entirely self paced.

    If you watch all the core videos and our supplemental material, and complete the homework assignments with each module, you could get through the course at a comfortable pace in 6-8 weeks.

    However, if you are nearing the end of your pregnancy you could pick and choose relevant videos and speed through the content in a week or so, or if you are really loving this exploration, it could become a life long journey (as it is for us!)

  • The forseeable future. We can’t promise this will be forever, as we our work will continue to evolve. Each core video and most of the resources are downloadable, so you can save them on your compter to watch whenever!

  • While primarily created for pregnant mamas, we believe that this information an opportunity for self reflection can be beneficial for women in all stages of life. Partners and support people can greatly benefit as well.

“The prenatal course was amazing! It was a complete paradigm shift for me in my understanding of what it means to give birth and be in a supporting role as a husband and father.

The course illuminated information that I feel very few women and families have access to and there is no doubt this information can save lives, prevent health complications, make the experience more peaceful, and feel more warm and less clinical.

Maible and Sara are a wealth of information and deeply passionate about what they do, I am eternally grateful to have received expert guidance from them.”


who we are

Earth oriented mamas, community centered students of birth and of motherhood. We are right along side you in exploring new (or perhaps ancient) ways of being, birthing, and mothering in alignment with our truths.

Let’s do this!

Join our community of like minded women ready to experience birth on their own terms and find the knowledge and inspiration you need to have the birth of your dreams.