Let’s do this, mama!

free workshop



In this free workshop you’ll learn our top 5 practices for preparing for physiological birth.

This isn’t your average birth natural birth workshop.

You won’t hear anything about perineal massage, holding ice cubes in your hands, and eating dates.

You will walk away with a better understanding of how to nourish your body, flow with your emotions, and care for your spirit through this transformative portal of undisturbed birth.

this is for you if:

  • You know deep down that you have the innate power and inner wisdom to grow and birth your baby.

  • You want to strengthen your connection to your intuition and your body’s messages.

  • You are looking for holistic birthing wisdom that includes both the science and the sacred.

  • You want to feel confident, informed and sovereign in your decision making in pregnancy and birth.

  • You know that becoming a mother is not just a physical journey, and want support, tools and witnessing in moving through the energetic, emotional, and spiritual aspects as well.

  • You are ready to take responsibility for yourself, your care, and your choices as you step into motherhood.

Who We Are

Maible Coughlin & Sara Philkill

Earth oriented mamas, community centered students of birth and of motherhood. We are right along side you in exploring new (or perhaps ancient) ways of being, birthing, and mothering in alignment with our truths.

By joining us in this free workshop, you’ll also receive emails from us with wisdom, story, and wonderings in the childbearing year. You can unsubscribe at any time.